The Abigail Academy LLC has been a place for girls to come and learn life skills in a fun, supportive space while flourishing in their relationship with God. I was a life coach for little girls before the camps, birthday parties, and after school confidence classes started. As I was building the business, I was giving a lot of my private coaching income to make it cute, safe, and professionally sound. In a sense, it’s been my personal philanthropic calling to Louisville. It’s also been my family – I have loved every girl and mom as they were my own. As our systems streamlined and my team’s efficiency narrowed, we could grow in capacity. It became more than I could continue supporting financially, alone. 

The 501c3 Foundation started because the community passionately wanted to keep alive what the Academy team had started. One reason that the Abigail Academy LLC has flourished for the past 14 years in Louisville is because of the combination of: Life Coaching paying for our year round rent, birthday parties paying for our staff, and camp taking care of our general overhead operations. We have needed each of these three pillars to sustain + 100’s of volunteers. If you remove my life coaching and personal contributions, we will always need help for year round operations if we want to offer the same caliber of private, polished, and competitively priced programming. 

There are ways to operate without donations, our systems can be profitable individually, but the level of excellence could be compromised, and we want to preserve the integrity of what the girls receive while at The Abigail Academy.  As a commitment to The Lord, and His calling bestowed upon me, I am committed to stewarding a Flagship team based in Louisville – paid for by the foundation – a role model for future Abigail Academy programs.   I will use the flagship as a polished example of what we can offer to little girls and families- ensuring the quality and vision remain, with the continuation of annual training and curriculum updates from here forward.

As the foundation serves Louisville, it will also be serving as the mentor for other Abigail Academy partners to see a working example of best practices and the leadership training center for the Abigail Academy LLC. The will remain the Abigail Academy LLC, and be established as the leader in creating resources, promoting Christ-centered confidence in young girls – essentially selling the system of everything that the foundation operates in Louisville KY, complimentary of the LLC. 

We hope that you understand, embrace and support this opportunity to leverage what The Lord has started in Louisville so many years ago- and we hope that you help us with your offering of time, talent and/or treasure, to ensure that the Louisville community can always be here for the next generation of girls and families to flourish in their relationship with God during the formative adolescent years.


Abbey Mueller

Founder and President, Abigail Academy LLC

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